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Case Evaluation

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Stress stemming from the workplace can cause debilitating conditions, strokes, heart attacks and in the most severe cases, death.

In certain circumstances, workers can make a claim for psychological stress relating to their jobs. These claims require more proof than other types of claims, and employers and insurers often fight them fiercely. Because of this, you will need to have an experienced stress claims attorney on your side.

What Should I Do If I Have Suffered an Injury Due To Stress from Work?

Suffered an injury due to stress at work? The attorneys at Law Offices of David E. Gentry are ready to help you. We recommend you take the following steps:
  • REPORT YOUR INJURY. As soon as you feel pain from your stress related claim, let your employer know.
  • SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Your employer can give you a referral to a medical clinic. It is very important that you take stock of every single thing that is wrong. These reports are imperative in getting you the medical care you need.
  • CALL AN ATTORNEY. Once you have seen the doctor, your next step is to call an experienced stress claims lawyer. We can help you determine what your next actions should be.
If you have suffered an injury from work related stress, you need a dedicated attorney by your side. A local stress claims attorney can get you the help you need. At Law Offices of David E. Gentry, we have handled numerous injuries due to work related stress and we have the knowledge and experience necessary to help navigate this difficult time for you and your loved ones.  Contact us today at (714) 541-4161 or fill out our Case Evaluation Form to schedule your FREE consultation and case evaluation.