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Case Evaluation

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A traumatic brain injury can change the life of a victim forever. Injuries to the brain are unlike any other type of injury and are not always detected by CT scans and x-rays. Despite lacking physical evidence, brain injuries can have catastrophic consequences. It is incredibly important to have an experienced attorney on your side. The recovery process for a brain injury can be difficult and takes a toll on the victim as well as family and caretakers. It is the goal of our office to help you through the process.

Causes of Brain Injuries

There are many different causes of traumatic brain injuries:
  • Car accidents
  • Gunshot wounds
  • Blow to the head
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Flexion-extension injuries
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Medical error and/or negligence
  • Construction accidents
  • Industrial accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
Symptoms of brain injuries include:
  • Personality changes
  • Distractibility
  • Attention deficits
  • Frequent fatigue
  • Communication issues
  • Memory problems
  • Loss of sensation
  • Loss of muscle coordination

What Should I Do If I’ve Suffered a Brain Injury?

If you have suffered a brain injury, the attorneys at Law Offices of David E. Gentry are ready to help you. Our personal injury attorneys will advance the costs and expenses necessary to take legal action for you. We recommend you take the following steps:
  • SEEK OUT IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION: Brain injuries are among the most painful and traumatizing injuries a person can suffer from. It is extremely important to immediately seek medical attention in order to prevent the injuries from worsening.
  • DOCUMENT THE SCENE: If possible, document any witnesses and obtain their names and contact information. Take pictures of the site where the accident occurred. If you are unable to do these things due to your injury, ask a friend or family member to do so.
  • CONSULT AN ATTORNEY: Once you have seen the doctor, your next step is to call a brain injury attorney. We can help you determine what your next actions will be.
If you have suffered a brain injury, you need a dedicated attorney by your side. An experienced brain injury attorney can get you the help you need. At Law Offices of David E. Gentry, we have handled numerous brain injury cases and we have the knowledge and experience necessary to help navigate this difficult time for you and your loved ones. Contact us today at (714) 541-4161 to schedule your FREE consultation and case evaluation.