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  • In 2012, 726 bicyclists were killed and an additional 49,000 were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes.
  • Bicycle deaths accounted for 2% of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities, and made up 2 percent of the people injured in traffic crashes during the year.
  • In 2012, California had the highest rate of Bicycle Fatalities in the country.
  • Bicycle fatalities were 15% higher in 2012 than in 2003.
Bicyclists who are involved in an accident with a vehicle often suffer serious and traumatic injuries. Bicyclists have a legal right to ride on streets, and failure to adhere to traffic safety laws or “share the road” can have devastating effects to the cyclist, as well as result in the motorist being legally responsible for the accident.

In some cases, even if the injuries sustained were due to the cyclist attempting to avoid a collision with the motorist, the driver may still be responsible if he or she is found to have been driving in a negligent or reckless manner.

Accidents involving bicycles and cyclists can also be caused by defective bicycle parts, defective bicycle products, or hazardous road conditions.

What Should I Do If I’ve Been Injured in a Bicycle Accident?

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, the attorneys at Law Offices of David E. Gentry are ready to help you. We recommend you take the following steps:
  • CALL THE POLICE: Call the police to the scene as it is important to get a police report of the incident.
  • OBTAIN INSURANCE INFORMATION: Make sure you obtain insurance information from any person involved in the accident. Be sure to write down their license plate number, contact number, address, and driver’s license number.
  • DOCUMENT PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURIES: The best record of damages and injuries are photographs. If you can, take numerous pictures of any cars involved, your bicycle, any damage present on any of the cars involved, and any injuries you have incurred.
  • SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION: See your doctor as soon as possible. Make sure all injuries are documented, no matter how minor they might seem.
  • CONSULT AN ATTORNEY: Once you have seen the doctor, your next step is to call a bicycle accident attorney. We can help you determine what your next actions will be.
*The above steps are for people who DO NOT have life-threatening or extremely traumatic injuries. If you have been traumatically injured CALL 911 immediately and concentrate solely on recovery*

If you have been involved in a bicycle accident, you need a dedicated attorney by your side. An experienced bicycle attorney can get you the help you need. At Law Offices of David E. Gentry, we have handled numerous bicycle accident cases and we have the knowledge and experience necessary to help navigate this difficult time for you and your loved ones.  Contact us today at (714) 541-4161 to schedule your FREE consultation and case evaluation.
