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Case Evaluation

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By their very nature, construction sites are dangerous, and those working at them are at risk of being accident victims. These accidents can happen suddenly, without warning, and can cause serious bodily harm. With more than 150,000 construction site related injuries occurring each year, the United States Department of Labor reports the construction industry has more fatalities than any other industry.  While not all of construction accidents are fatal, the injuries can be traumatic and life-altering.

At Law Offices of David E. Gentry, our construction accident lawyers understand the tremendous risks you take on every construction site. Our attorneys have handled a wide range of construction accidents including but not limited to:
  • Scaffolding Collapse
  • Forklift Accidents
  • Crane Accidents
  • Site Debris Accidents
  • Machinery Accidents
  • Ladder Falls
  • Stair and/or Floor Collapse

What Do I Do if I’ve Been Hurt On A Construction Site?

If you have been injured in a construction site accident, the attorneys at Law Offices of David E. Gentry are ready to help you. We recommend you take the following steps:
  • REPORT YOUR INJURY. Often employees wait to report an incident because they assume they will recover quickly. As soon as a construction site accident happens, let your employer know. Try to get pictures of the accident site, names and contact information of any witnesses.
  • SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Your employer should give you a referral to a medical clinic. It is very important that you take stock of every single injury, no matter how small. These reports are imperative in getting you the medical care you need.
  • CALL AN ATTORNEY. Once you have seen the doctor, your next step is to call an experienced construction site attorney. We can help you determine what your next steps will be.
Construction Site accidents can be extremely complicated and often involve several subcontractors in addition to a primary contractor and/or project manager. The construction site attorneys at Law Offices of David E. Gentry are extremely knowledgeable in the laws pertaining to construction site accidents. We have the experience and skill to evaluate your case and analyze the liability aspects of your accident.

The attorneys at Law Offices of David E. Gentry have been helping people who have suffered from construction site injuries for more than 35 years. Our Construction Site Accident Attorneys have extensive experience protecting the rights of their clients and fighting on their behalf. Contact us today at (714) 541-4161 or fill out our Case Evaluation Form to schedule your FREE consultation and case evaluation.